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TitleNumber of Records : 6

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a RB127
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Churchill Livingstone , 1985 25530
2 a RB127
Pain/Edited by John L. Echternach
New York, [ United States ] : Churchill Livingstone , 1987 0443083754 26641
3 a RB127
Pain management for health professionals
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Chapman and Hall , 1996 O'Hara, Pat 34791
4 a RB127
Handbook for pain management/Ruth T. Kingdon, Karen J. Stanley, Robert J. Kizior
Philadelphia, [ United States ] : W. B. Saunders Company , 1998 Kingdon, Ruth T. 072166329 37164
5 a RB127
Current therapy in pain/edited by Howard S. Smith
Philadelphia, [ United States ] : W. B. Saunders Company , 2009 9781416048367 92282
6 g CD:
Wall and Melzack's Textbook of Pain
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Churchill Livingstone , 2006 96693