Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 64

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a QC173.3
Statistical physics and the atomic theory of matter from Boyle and Newton to Landau anf Onsager
Illinois, [ United States ] : Princeton University Press , 1983 Brush, Stephen G 26381
2 a QC174.12
Quantum mechanics : New approaches to selected topics
Amsterdam, [ Netherlands ] : North-Holland Publishing Company , 1988 Lipkin, Harry J. 26645
3 a QC174.12
Quantum mechanics/Leslie E. Ballentine
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1990 Ballentine, Leslie E. 26646
4 a QC174.12
The meaning of quantum theory : A guide for students of chemistry and physics
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 1992 Baggott, Jim 28789
5 a QC174.12
Quantum physics of atoms, molecules, solids, nuclu, and particles
New York, [ United States ] : John Wiley and Sons , 1985 Eisberg, Robert 28840
6 a QC174.12
Introduction to quantum mechanics
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1995 Griffiths, David J. 30890
7 a QC174.12
Quantum mechnics : for engineering materials science, and applied physics
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1994 Kroemer, Herbert 30897
8 a QC174.12
Quantum mechanics : An introduction for dvice physicists and electrical engineers
Bristol, [ United Kingdom ] : Institute of Physics Publishing , 1995 Ferry, David K. 31219
9 a QC174.12
Understanding more quantum physics : Quantum states of atoms
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1991 Morrison, Michael A. 31725
10 a QC174.12
Principles of quantum mechanics
New York, [ United States ] : Plenum Publishers , 1994 Shanker, R 32226
11 a QC174.12
Introductory quantum mechanics
Philadelphia, [ United States ] : Institute of Physics Publishing , 1990 Greenhow, R.C 32874
12 a QC174.12
A modern approach to quantum mechanics
New York, [ United States ] : McGraw-Hill, Inc. , 1992 Townsend, John S. 33674
13 a QC174.12
Introduction to the quantum theory
New York, [ United States ] : McGraw-Hill, Inc. , 1992 Park, David 33680
14 a QC174.12
Quantum mechanics : Concepts and applications
San Diego, [ United States ] : Academic Press , 1995 McGervey, John D. 33880
15 a QC174.12
Introduction to quantum mechanics
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Addison-Wesley Longman , 1997 Bransden, B. H. 34191
16 a QC173
The physics of atoms and quanta : introduction to experiments and theory
New York, [ United States ] : Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. , 1996 Haken, Hermann 35389
17 a QC174.12
Quantum mechanics : classical results, modern systems and visualized examples
New York, [ United States ] : Oxford University Press , 1997 Robinett, Richard W 35737
18 a QC174.52
Quantum mechanics of many degrees of freedom
New York, [ United States ] : John Wiley and Sons , 1988 Koltun, Daniel S. 36734
19 a QD462
Quanta : a handbook of concepts
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 1991 Atkins, P.W. 42099
20 a QC174.12
Fundamentals of quantum mechanics
San Diego, [ United States ] : Academic Press , 1998 House, J.E 42257
21 a QC174.12
Elements of quantum mechanics
New York, [ United States ] : Oxford University Press , 2001 Fayer, Michael D. 42290
22 a HD57.7
Leadership and the new science : discovering order in a chaotic world
California, [ United States ] : Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. , 1999 Wheatley, Margaret J. 43005
23 a QD462
Quantum mechanics for chemists
Cambridge, [ United Kingdom ] : Royal Society of Chemistry , 2002 Hayward, David O. 43707
24 a QC174.12
Introduction to quantum mechanics
New York, [ United States ] : John Wiley and Sons , 2003 Phillips, A. C. 43786
25 a QC794.6
Principles of quantum scattering theory
Philadelphia, [ United States ] : Institute of Physics Publishing , 2004 Belkic, Dz 43959
26 a QC174.12
Advanced visual quantum mechanics
New York, [ United States ] : Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. , 2005 Thaller, Bernd 44462
27 a QC174.1
Quantum mechanics for mathematicians and physicists/by Ernest Ikenberry
New York, [ United States ] : Oxford University Press , 1962 Ikenberry, Ernest 81117
28 a QC173
Concepts of modern physics/Arthur Beiser
London, [ United Kingdom ] : McGraw-Hill International , 1981 Beiser, Arthur 82277
29 a QC174.8
The quantum theory of atoms, molecules and photons/by John Avery
New York, [ United States ] : McGraw-Hill, Inc. , 1972 Avery, John 82514
30 a QC174.12
The ghost in the atom : a discussion of the mysteries of quantum physics/P. C. W. Davies, J. R. Brown
Cambridge, [ United Kingdom ] : Cambridge University Press , 1989 Davies, P. C. W. 82540
31 a QC174.12
Intermediate quantum mechanics/Hans A. Bethe, Roman W. Jackiw
California, [ United States ] : Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company , 1986 Bethe, Hans A. 82542
32 a QC174.1
Introduction to the quantum theory/by David Park
New York, [ United States ] : McGraw-Hill, Inc. , 1964 Park, David 82543
33 a QC173
Concepts of modern physics/Arthur Beiser
Tokyo, [ Japan ] : McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, Ltd. , 1973 Beiser, Arthur 82569
34 a QD79
Basic quantum mathematics/Robert L. White
New York, [ United States ] : McGraw-Hill, Inc. , 1966 White, Robert L. 82851
35 a QC174.12
Modern physical theory : special relativity and quantum physics/by Timothy D. Sanders
Massachusetts, [ United States ] : Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. , 1970 Sanders, Timothy D. 83073
36 a QC174.12
Mechanics/Wallace Arthur and Saul K. Fenster
New York, [ United States ] : Holt, Rinehart and Winston , 1969 Arthur, Wallace 83074
37 a QC174.1
Quantum theory of matter/by John C. Slater
New York, [ United States ] : McGraw-Hill, Inc. , 1968 Slater, John C. 83075
38 a QC174.1
Quantum mechanics/by Leonard I. Schiff
New York, [ United States ] : McGraw-Hill, Inc. , 1955 Schiff, Leonard I. 83109
39 a QC174.1
Quantum mechanics and path integrals/by R. P. Feynman and A. R. Hibbs
New York, [ United States ] : McGraw-Hill, Inc. , 1965 Feynman, R. P. 83110
40 a QC174.1
Relativistic quantum mechanics/James D. Bjorken and Sidney D. Drell
New York, [ United States ] : McGraw-Hill, Inc. , 1964 Bjorken, James D. 83112
41 g FD:
Introductory quantum mechanics
Philadelphia, [ United States ] : Institute of Physics Publishing , 1990 Greenhow, R.C 83327
42 g FD:
Quantum mechanics : Concepts and applications
San Diego, [ United States ] : Academic Press , 1995 McGervey, John D. 83355
43 a QC6
Parallel universes : the search for other worlds/Fred Alan Wolf
New York, [ United States ] : Simon and Schuster , 1988 Wolf, Fred Alan 0671696017 84091
44 a QC173.59
The end of time : the next revolution in physics/Julian B. Barbour
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 2000 Barbour, Julian B. 0195117298 (alk. pap 85236
45 a BL265
Quantum theology/Diarmuid O'Murchu
New York, [ United States ] : Crossroad Pub , 1997 O'Murchu, Diarmuid 0824516303 85240
46 a QC173.59
The nature of space and time/Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose
Illinois, [ United States ] : Princeton University Press , 1996 Hawking, S. W 0691037914 (cl : alk 85245
47 a TA418.9
Nanoscale physics for materials science/Takaaki Tsurumi ... [et al.]
Boca Raton, [ United States ] : CRC Press , 2010 Tsurumi, Takaaki 9781439800591 92698
48 a TA1750
Solid state and quantum theory for optoelectronics/Michael A. Parker
Boca Raton, [ United States ] : CRC Press , 2010 Parker, Michael A. 9780849337505 92702
49 a QC174.12
Introduction to quantum mechanics/David J. Griffiths
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Pearson Prentice Hall , 2005 Griffiths, David J. 0131911759 94898
50 a QC174.85
Nonequilibrium quantum transport physics in nanosystems : foundation of computational nonequilibrium physics in nanoscience and nanotechnology/Felix A. Buot
New Jersey, [ United States ] : World Scientific , 2009 Buot, Felix A. 9812566791 95201
51 a QC174.12
Quantum mechanics : a new introduction/Kenichi Konishi and Giampiero Paffuti
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 2009 Konishi, Kenichi 9780199560271 96515
52 v CD:
Quantum mechanics : a new introduction/Kenichi Konishi and Giampiero Paffuti
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 2009 Konishi, Kenichi 96919
53 a QC174.12
Introduction to quantum information science/Vlatko Vedral
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 2006 Vedral, Vlatko 9780199215706 100232
54 g CD:
Advanced visual quantum mechanics
New York, [ United States ] : Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. , 2005 Thaller, Bernd 103692
55 a QC174.12
Quantum physics : an overview of a weird world/Marco Masi
Milton Klynes, [ United Kingdom ] : Lightening Source MK Ltd. , 2019 Masi, Marco 9783948295028 105845
56 a QC174.1
The elements of quantum mechanics/bu Saul Dushman
New York, [ United States ] : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , 1938 Dushman, Saul 113119
57 a QC174.12
Foundations of quantum theory : A study in continuity and symmetry/By Alfred Lande
Connecticut, [ United States ] : Yale University Press , 1955 Lande, Alfred 114454
58 a QC174.1
Quantum mechanics of particles and wave fields/Arthur March
New York, [ United States ] : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , 1951 March, Arthur 114472
59 a QC174.12
Quantum theory of fields/By Gregor Wentzel; translated from the German by Charlotte Houtermans and J. M. Jauch; with an appendix by J. M. Jauch
New York, [ United States ] : Interscience Publishers, Inc. , 1949 Wentzel, Gregor 114554
60 a QC174.12
The principles of quantum mechanics/By P. A. M. Dirac
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 1935 Dirac, P. A. M. 114561
61 a QC174.45
Introduction to tensors, spinors, and relativstic wave-equations (Relation Structure)/By E. M. Corson
New York, [ United States ] : Hafner Publishing Company , 1953 Corson, E. M. 114583
62 a QC174.1
The physical principles of the quantum theory/By Werner Heisenberg; translated into English by Carl Eckart and F. C. Hoyt
New York, [ United States ] : Dover Publications, Inc. , 1930 Heisenberg, Werner 114651
63 a QC171
The rise of the new physics : Its mathematical and physical theories/by A. d'Abro
New York, [ United States ] : Dover Publications, Inc. , 1951 d'Abro, A. 114765
64 a QC7
The evolution of physics : From early concepts to relativity and quanta/by Albert Einstein and Leopold Infeld
New York, [ United States ] : Simon and Schuster , 1960 Einstein, Albert 115016