Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 10

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a HD38.2
The changing world of the executive
New York : Quadrangle/The New York Times Book Co , 1982 Drucker, Peter F. 22599
2 a HD38.2
The effective executive
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Heinemann Professional Publishing , 1967 Drucker, Peter F. 25464
3 a HD31
The frontiers of management : where tomorrow"s decisions are being shaped today
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Heinemann Educational Books ltd , 1986 Drucker, Peter F. 25465
4 a HD31
Oxford, Boston, [ United Kingdom ] : Butterworth-Heinemann , 1992 Drucker, Peter F. 28506
5 a HD38.25
The effective executive
New York, [ United States ] : Harper and Row Publishers , 1985 Drucker, Peter F. 34072
6 a HN17.5
The new realities : in government and politics... in economy and society... and in world view
Oxford, Boston, [ United Kingdom ] : Butterworth-Heinemann , 1994 Drucker, Peter F. 38812
7 a HD62.6
Managing the non-profit organization : practices and principles
Oxford, Boston, [ United Kingdom ] : Butterworth-Heinemann , 1990 Drucker, Peter F. 43910
8 a HD38
Managing for results : eonomic tasks and risk-taking decisions
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Heinemann Professional Publishing , 1964 Drucker, Peter F. 43917
9 a HD62.6
Managing the non-profit organization : principles and practices/Peter F. Drucker
New York, [ United States ] : Collins Business , 1990 Drucker, Peter F. 0887306012 82610
10 a HD31
Management : Tasks, responsibilities, pratctices/Peter F. Drucker
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Butterworth Heinemann , 1974 Drucker, Peter F. 0750643897 97821