Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 8

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a TK2960
Virginia, [ United States ] : Reston Publishing Company, Inc. , 1983 Seippel, Robert G 19030
2 a TK2960
Fundamentals of solar cells : Photovoltaic solar energy convension
New York, [ United States ] : Academic Press, Inc., Publishers , 1983 Fahrenbruch, Alan L 26666
3 a TK2960
Solar cells : From basics to advances systems
New York, [ United States ] : McGraw-Hill, Inc. , 1983 Hu, Chemming 27972
4 a TK1087
Generating electricity from the sun
Great Britain, [ United Kingdom ] : Pergamon Press , 1991 30695
5 a TK1087
Solar electricity
New York, [ United States ] : John Wiley and Sons , 1994 30780
6 a TK2960
Photovoltaic engineering handbook
Bristol, [ United Kingdom ] : Adam Hilger Ltd. , 1990 Lasnier, France 30805
7 a TK1087
Stand-alone photovoltaic systems : a handbook of recommended design practices
New Mexico : Sandia National Laboratories , 1988 Photovoltaic Design Assistance Center 35427
8 a TK2960
Physics of solar cells : from principles to new concepts/Peter Wurfel, problems and solutions by Uli Wurfel
Weinheim, [ United States ] : Wiley-VCH , 2005 9783527408576 91298