Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 3

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a DS62.8
The government and politics of the Middle East and North Africa/edited by david E. Long and Bernard Reich
Colorado, [ United States ] : Westview Press, Inc. , 1986 22647
2 a DS247
Gulf security in the twenty-first century/The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, edited by David E. Long and Christian Koch.
Abu Dhabi, [ United Arab Emirates ] : The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Rese , 1997 The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 1860643167 94306
3 a DS62.8
The government and politics of the Middle East and north Africa/edited by David E. Long and Bernard Reieh
Colorado, [ United States ] : Westview Press, Inc. , 1980 Long, David E. 089158871x 113638