Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 5

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a RC925.7
Muscles in action : An approach to manual muscle testing/Joan H. Cole, Anne L. Furness, Lance T. Twomey; photographs by David Watkins
New York, [ United States ] : Churchill Livingstone , 1988 Cole, Joan H. 0443036136 26684
2 a RM701
Physiotherapy : manual muscle testing
Belgium, [ Luxembourg ] : Medecins sans Frontieres , 1990 34620
3 a RM701
Muscles, testing and function/Florence Peterson Kendall, Elizabeth Kendall McCreay, Patricia Geise Provance; illustrations by Diane K. Abeloff... [et al]
Baltimore, [ United States ] : Williams and Wilkins , 1993 Kendall, Florence Peterson 35105
4 a RM701
Muscles : testing and function with posture and pain/Florence Peterson Kendall...(etal.)
Maryland, [ United States ] : Lippincott Williams and Wilkins , 2005 Kendall, Florence Peterson 0781747805 83860
5 g CD:
Muscles : testing and function with posture and pain/Florence Peterson Kendall...(etal.)
Maryland, [ United States ] : Lippincott Williams and Wilkins , 2005 Kendall, Florence Peterson 84009