Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 29

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a PR6005
Typhoon & other tales/Joseph Conrad; with a forword by Albert J. Guerard
New York, [ United States ] : New American Library , 1962 Conrad, Joseph 1558
2 a PR6005
Nostromo/Joseph Conrad; notes by Anthony Strange
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Longman York Press , 1980 Conrad, Joseph 19978
3 a PR6005
Heart of darkness/Joseph Conrad; with an introduction by Albert J. Guerard
New York, [ United States ] : Penguin Books , 1910 Conrad, Joseph 22398
4 a PR6005
Selected literary criticism and the shadow - line/Joseph Conrad; edited by Allan Ingram
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Methuen and Company , 1986 Conrad, Joseph 24527
5 a PR6005
Heart of darkness : An authoritative text backgrounds and sources criticism/Joseph Conrad; edited by Robert Kimbrough
New York, [ United States ] : W. W. Norton and Company , 1988 Conrad, Joseph 28481
6 a PR6005
Heart of darkness/Joseph Conrad; with an introduction by Verlyn Klinkenborg
London, [ United Kingdom ] : David Campbell Publishers , 1993 Conrad, Joseph 37682
7 a PR6005
Victory : an island tale/Joseph Conrad; with an introduction by Tony Tanner
London, [ United Kingdom ] : David Campbell Publishers , 1998 Conrad, Joseph 39078
8 a PR6005
Under Western eyes/Joseph Conrad; with an introduction by Cedric Watts
London, [ United Kingdom ] : David Campbell Publishers , 1991 Conrad, Joseph 40376
9 a PR6005
Typhoon and other stories/Joseph Conrad; with an introduction by Martin Seymour-Smith
London, [ United Kingdom ] : David Campbell Publishers , 1991 Conrad, Joseph 40377
10 a PR6005
Nostromo : a tale of the seabord/Joseph Conrad; with an introduction by Tony Tanner
London, [ United Kingdom ] : David Campbell Publishers , 1992 Conrad, Joseph 40391
11 a PR6005
Lord Jim : a tale/Joseph Conrad; with an introduction and notes by Norman Sherry
London, [ United Kingdom ] : David Campbell Publishers , 1992 Conrad, Joseph 40392
12 a PR6005
The secret agent : a simple tale/Joseph Conrad; with an introduction by Paul Theroux
London, [ United Kingdom ] : David Campbell Publishers , 1992 Conrad, Joseph 40619
13 a PR6005
Heart of darkness/Joseph Conrad
New Delhi, [ India ] : UBS Publishers' Distributors Ltd. , 1999 Conrad, Joseph 44466
14 a PR6005
The nigger of the Narcissus : typhoon; the shadow-line/Joseph Conrad; introsuction by A. J. Hoppe
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Everyman's Library , 1967 Conrad, Joseph 47133
15 a PR6005
The rover/Joseph Conrad
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Fisher Unwin , 1923 Conrad, Joseph 47217
16 a PR6005
Three great tales/Joseph Conrad
New York, [ United States ] : Vintage Books, Inc. Conrad, Joseph 47881
17 a PR6005
Lord Jim/Joseph Conrad
New York, [ United States ] : Bantam Books Inc. , 1958 Conrad, Joseph 48077
18 a PR6005
Heart of Darkness, an authoritative text : backgrounds and sources criticism
New York, [ United States ] : W. W. Norton and Company , 1971 Conrad, Joseph 48580
19 a PR6005
Heart of darkness : complete, authoritative text with biographical and historical contexts, critical history, and essays from five contemporary critical perspectives/Joseph Conrad; edited by Ross C. Murfin
Boston, [ United States ] : Bedford/St. Martin's , 1996 Conrad, Joseph 0312114915 84331
20 a PR6005
The secret agent : A simple tale/Joseph Conrad
Koln, [ Germany ] : Konemann , 2000 Conrad, Joseph 3829050399 86979
21 a PR6005
The nigger of the 'Narcissus' : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, reviews and criticism/Joseph Conrad ; edited by Robert Kimbrough
New York, [ United States ] : Norton , 1979 Conrad, Joseph 0393090191 89237
22 a PR6005
Lord Jim : authoritative text, backgrounds, sources, criticism/Joseph Conrad ; edited by Thomas C. Moser
New York, [ United States ] : W.W. Norton & Co. , 1996 Conrad, Joseph 0393963357 89293
23 a PR6005
Heart of darkness : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism/Joseph Conrad ; edited by Paul B. Armstrong
New York, [ United States ] : W.W. Norton & Co. , 2006 Conrad, Joseph 0393926362 91354
24 a PR6005
Under western eyes/Joseph Conrad ; edited with an introduction and notes by Paul Kirschner
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Penguin Books , 1996 Conrad, Joseph 0140188495 91888
25 a PR6005
Nostromo/Joseph Conrad
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Penguin Books , 1994 Conrad, Joseph 0140620281 103098
26 a PR6005
Under western eyes/Joseph Conrad; with an introduction and notes by Boris Ford
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Penguin Books , 1985 Conrad, Joseph 0140432434 103099
27 a PR6005
Heart of darkness and selected short fiction/Joseph Conrad; with an introduction and notes by A. Michael Matin
New York, [ United States ] : Barnes and Noble Books , 2003 Conrad, Joseph 1593080212 104756
28 a PR6005
Heart of darkness and selected short fiction/Joseph conrad; with an introduction and notes by A. Michael Matin
New York, [ United States ] : Barnes and Noble Books , 2003 Conrad, Joseph 1593080212 104860
29 a PR6005
Heart of darkness/Joseph Conrad; notes by Hena Maes-Jelinek
Harlow, [ United Kingdom ] : Longman Group Limited , 1982 Conrad, Joseph 058202269x 107592