Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 6

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a TX637
Ecrits gastronomiques : almanach des gourmand (premiere annee: 1803) et manuel des amphitryons (1808)
Paris, [ France ] : Union Generale d'Editions , 1978 Reyniere, Grimod de la 992
2 a TX637
Physiologie du gout; suivie d'une vie de Brillat-Savarin
Paris : Julliard , 1965 Brillat-Savarin 1150
3 a TX637
Almanach de Cocagne pour l'an 1920
Paris, [ France ] : Editions de la Sirene , 1920 1936
4 a TX631
Culinary taste : consumer behaviour in the international restaurant sector
Amsterdam, [ Netherlands ] : Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinemann , 2004 44049
5 a TX651
The flavor bible : the essential guide to culinary creativity, based on the wisdom of America's most Imaginative Chefs/Karen Page and Andrew Dornenburg; photographs by Barry Salzman
New York, [ United States ] : Little, Brown and Company , 2008 Page, Karen 9780316118408 102075
6 a TX651
Modernist cuisine at home/Nathan Myhrvold with Maxime Bilet; photography by Nathan Myhrvold, Melissa Lehuta and the Cooking Lab photography team
Bellevue, [ United States ] : Cooking Lab , 2012 Myhrvold, Nathan 9780982761014 102140