Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 7

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a PR6005
Joseph Conard : Third world perspectives/Compiled and edited by Robert D. Hamner
Washington, D. C., [ United States ] : Three Continents Press , 1990 28306
2 a PR9080
Key concepts in postcolonial literature/Gina Wisker
New York, [ United States ] : Palgrave Macmillan , 2007 Wisker, Gina 1403944482 (pbk) 86135
3 a PR9080
Colonial and postcolonial literature : migrant metaphors/Elleke Boehmer
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 2005 Boehmer, Elleke 0199253714 86144
4 a PR6005
Postcolonial Conrad : paradoxes of empire/Terry Collits
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge , 2005 Collits, Terry 0415355753 (alk. pap 86544
5 a PR9080
The empire writes back : theory and practice in post-colonial literatures/Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, Helen Tiffin
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge , 2002 Ashcroft, Bill 0415280206 (pbk) 86557
6 a PN761
The location of culture/Homi K. Bhabha ; with a new preface by the author
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge , 2004 Bhabha, Homi K. 0415336392 (pbk.) 86560
7 a PN761
Culture and imperialism/Edward W. Said
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Vintage , 1993 Said, Edward W. 0099967502 91494