Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 9

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a B2758
Kant et le Kantisme
Paris, [ France ] : Presses Universitaires de France , 1977 Lacroix, Jean 580
2 a LB7
Three Historical philosophies of education : Aristotle, Kant, Dewey
Chicago, [ United States ] : Scott, Foresman and Company , 1965 Frankena, William K 3949
3 a B2784
The crowing phase of the critical philosophy; a study in Kent's critique of judgment
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Macmillan Publishing Company , 1912 Macmillan, Alexander Cameron 9312
4 a B2799
Moral action, God and history in the thought of Immanuel Kant
Montana, [ United States ] : Scholars Press and American Academy of Religion , 1975 Raschke, Carl A 11602
5 a B2787
Prolegomena to any future metaphysics that will be able to come forward as science
Indianapolis, [ United States ] : Hackett Publishing Company , 1977 Ellington, James W 11618
6 a R733
Philosophy and medicine
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Gower Publishing Company , 1986 Ledermann, E. K 22686
7 a B2797
Kant : a biography/Manfred Kuehn
New York, [ United States ] : Cambridge University Press , 2001 Kuehn, Manfred 0521497043 85212
8 a HX39.5
Rethinking marxism : From Kant and Hegel to Marx and Angels/Jolyon Agar
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge , 2006 Agar, Jolyon 0415409988 90167
9 a B804
In Kant's wake : Philosophy in the twentieth century/Tom Rockmore
Massachusetts, [ United States ] : Blackwell Publishing , 2006 Rockmore, Tom 1405125713 100379