Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 7

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a PR3500
The complete English poems of Thomas Gray
London, [ United Kingdom ] : William Heinemann , 1973 3456
2 a PR1867
Chaucer : Lyric and allegory
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Heinemann Educational Books ltd , 1970 3474
3 a PR4203
Selected poems of Robert Browning/with an introduction and notes by James Reeves
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Heinemann Educational Books ltd , 1972 4145
4 a PN86
The critical sense : Practical criticism of prose and poetry
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Heinemann Educational Books , 1987 Reeves, James 24617
5 a PR6023
Selected poems of D.H. Lawrence/D. H. Lawrence; edited with an introduction by James Reeves
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Heinemann Educational Books ltd , 1963 Lawrence, D.H. (David Herbert) 40444
6 a PR1285
The writer's way : an anthology of English prose
London : Lowe and Brydone , 1961 49588
7 a PR6023
Selected poems of D.H. Lawrence/Selected by James Reeves; edited by Andrew Whittle
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Heinemann Educational Publishers , 1995 Reeves, James 0435150804 91396