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TitleNumber of Records : 5

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 4 Ref.D57
The Cambridge ancient history
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Cambridge University Press , 1970 8053
2 a DS62
The passing of the Empires 850 B.C. to 330 B.C
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge , 1900 Maspero, G 29452
3 a D58
The histories/Herodotus; translated by George Rawlinson; with an introduction by Rosalind Thomas
London, [ United Kingdom ] : David Campbell Publishers , 1997 Herodotus 37685
4 a D59
Our ancient history : From prehistoric times to A.D. 500/by J.J. Bell
London, [ United Kingdom ] : University of London Press Ltd. , 1939 Bell, J.J. 87797
5 a D59
The ancient world and its legacy to us/By A. W. F. Blunt
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 1928 Blunt, A.W.F. 114337