Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 13

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a B765
An Aquinas reader
New York, [ United States ] : Doubleday and company, Inc. , 1972 Thomas Aquinas, Saint 1941
2 a B721
Philosophy in the middle ages : the Christian, Islamic and Jewish traditions
Indianapolis, [ United States ] : Hackett Publishing Company , 1973 4329
3 a B720
The age of belief : the medieval philosophers
New York, [ United States ] : New American Library , 1954 Fremantle, Anne 5459
4 a B72
Readings in ancient and medieval philosophy : Ancient and medieval philosophy/selected with an introduction and commentry by James Collins
Westminster, [ United Kingdom ] : Newman Press , 1963 Collins, James 7515
5 a B721
A sketch of medieval philosophy
New York, [ United States ] : Sheed and Ward , [1949] Hawkins, D. J. B. 7850
6 a B765
Selected writings of St. Thomas Aquinas/St. Thomas Aquinas; translated with an introduction and notes by Robert P. Goodwin
Indianapolis, [ United States ] : Bobbs-Merrill Company , 1965 Thomas Aquinas, Saint 11615
7 a B765
Selected writings of St. Thomas Aquinas/translated with introduction and notes by Robert P. Goodwin.
Indianapolis, [ United States ] : Bobbs-Merrill Company , 1965 Thomas Aquinas, Saint 20416
8 a B721
The evolution of medieval thought
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Longman Group Ltd. , 1988 Knowles, David 24919
9 a B721
The spirit of mediaeval philosophy (Gifford lectures 1931-1932)
London, [ United States ] : Charles Scribner's Sons , 1940 Gilson, Etienne 39703
10 a B765
Hooked on philosophy : Thomas Aquinas made easy/Robert A. O'Donnell
New York, [ United States ] : Alba House , 1995 O'Donnell, Robert A. 41759
11 a B721
Initiation medievale : la philosophie au douzieme siecle
Paris, [ France ] : Editions Albin Michel , 1980 Davy, M.-M 47955
12 a B721
The evolution of medieval thought
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Longman Group Ltd. , 1962 Knowles, David 48463
13 a B721
Studies in Medieval thought/G. G. Coulton
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd. , 1940 Coulton, G.G 83645