Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 29

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BV4505
Works of love : some Christian reflections in the form of discourses/translated by Howard and Edna Hong
New York, [ United States ] : Harpertorch Books , 1962 Kierkegaard, Soren 6732
2 a BR100
The divine milieu : an essay on the interior life
New York, [ United States ] : Harper and Brothers , 1960 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 11656
3 a BX4705
Thomas Merton on prayer
New York, [ United States ] : Image Books , 1975 Higgins, John J. 18309
4 a BX961
A voice for the heart : the imitation of Christ and an introduction to the devout life for all Christians
Orlando : Reconciliation Press , 1974 19625
5 a BF575
Urgent longings : reflections on the experience of ifatuation, human intimacy, and contemplative love/Thomas J. Tyrell
Massachusetts, [ United States ] : Affirmation Books , 1980 Tyrell, Thomas J. 20141
6 a BT153
Freedom of simplicity
London : Triangle , 1982 Foster, Richard J. 23481
7 a BV220
A physician's witness to the power of shared prayer
Chicago, [ United States ] : Loyola University Press , 1978 Haynes, William F. 31201
8 a BL627.55
Seeking peace : notes and conversations along the way/Johann Christoph Arnold; foreword by Madeleine L'Engle, Thick Nhat Hank
Pennsylvania, [ United States ] : Plough Publishing House , 1998 Arnold, Johann Christoph 38073
9 a BL627
Rays of the dawn : laws of the body, mind, soul
Fleet, Thurman 39480
10 a BL624
Wandering God : a study in nomadic spirituality/Morris Berman
Albany, [ United States ] : State University of New York Press , 2000 Berman, Morris 41319
11 a BF1611
The wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn
New York, [ United States ] : Simon and Schuster , 1989 Shinn, Florence Scovel 43870
12 a BV5080
Abandonment to divine providence
England : Sydney Lee , 1921 De Caussade, J.P. 47093
13 g DVD:
14 Psalms - Fall 2012 : Read and illustrated by students of RELS208 - Old Testament II 98052
14 a BL560
Prayer for people who think too much : A guide to everyday, anywhere prayer from the world's faith traditions/Mitch Finley
Woodstock, [ United States ] : Skylight Paths Publishing , 1999 Finley, Mitch 1893361004 98851
15 a BT752
The laws of salvation : Faith and the future society/Ryuho Okawa
Tokyo, [ Japan ] : Happy Science , 2011 Okawa, Ryuho 98949
16 a BP605
The golden laws : History through the eyes of eternal Buddha/Ryuho Okawa
New York, [ United States ] : Lantern Books , 2011 Okawa, Ryuho 9781590562413 98950
17 a BX4700
The mind and heart of St. John Baptist de la Salle 1651-1719/John Baptist Blain ; translation with introduction and notes by Edwin Bannon
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : La Sallia , s.d. Blain, Jean-Baptiste 0952139821 101249
18 a LB1027.2
The teacher's calling : A spirituality for those who teach/Gloria Durka
New York, [ United States ] : Paulist Press , 2002 Durka, Gloria 0809140624 106131
19 a BT751.2
The path to salvation : A manual of spiritual transformation/by St. Theophan the Recluse; translated by Fr. Seraphim Rose and the St. Herman of Alaska Botherhood
California, [ United States ] : St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood , 1996 St. Theophan the Recluse 1887904506 107755
20 f BL624
Sparks of the Divine: finding Inspiration in our everyday world/Drew Leder
Indiana, [ United States ] : Sorin Books , 2004 Leder, Drew 1-893732-81-9 108098
21 a BL624
100 ways to keep your soul alive : Living deeply and fully everyday/edited by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
New York, [ United States ] : HarperCollins Publishers , 1994 0062510509 109142
22 a BV4501
God's psychiatry : The twenty-third psalm, the ten commandments, the lord's prayer, the beatitudes/Charles L. Allen
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Fleming H. Revell Company , 1953 Allen, Charles L. 109860
23 a BV4501.3
Absolute surrender/by Andrew Murray
Pennsylvania, [ United States ] : Whitaker House , 1982 Murray, Andrew 0883680939 109911
24 a BV4579.5
La crise du milieu de la vie : Une approche spirituelle/Anselm Grun; traduit de l'allemand par Jean-Louis Mosser
Paris, [ France ] : Mediaspaul , 1998 Grun, Anselm 9782712206833 110084
25 a BV4501
The ways of the spirit/Evelyn Underhill; edited and with an introduction by Grace Adolphsen Brame
New York, [ United States ] : Crossroad , 1990 Underhill, Evelyn 0824510089 110472
26 a HV689
Integrating spirituality in clinical social work practice : Walking the labyrinth/Maddy Cunningham
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Pearson Education Inc. , 2012 Cunningham, Maddy 9780205592012 110672
27 a BF311
Oneness, Wholeness, and Holiness : The Social and Sacred Dimensions of the Meal and the Mouth
Budapest, [ Hungary ] : Kairosz Kiado , 2019 Henri L. Boulad, S.J. 978-963-514-016-9 111489
28 a BV4501.2
The unseen world of angels and demons/Basilea Schlink
Hants, [ United Kingdom ] : Lakeland , 1985 Schlink, Basilea 0551012404 111569
29 f BL624
Oneness with all life : Inspirational selections from a new earth/Michael Joseph
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Penguin group , 2008 Joseph, Michael 9780718155414 114051