Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 11

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BX860
Mater et magistra : Christianity and social progress; encyclical letter of His Holiness Pope John XXIII
New York, [ United States ] : Paulist Press , 1962 John XXIII, Pope 2026
2 a BX860
Ecclesiam suam : Encyclical letter of his Holiness Pope Paul VI
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Paulist Press , 1964 Paul VI, Pope 2027
3 a BX860
Sixteen encyclicals of Pope Pius XI, 1926-1937
Washington, D. C. : National Catholic Conference , [n.d.] Pius XI, Pope 4544
4 a BX1378
The Pope speaks : the teachings of Pope Pius XII
New York, [ United States ] : Pantheon Books , 1957 6021
5 a BX860
The gospel of peace and justice : Catholic social teaching since Pope John/Presented by Joseph Gremillion
New York, [ United States ] : Orbis Books , 1976 Gremillion, Joseph 11668
6 a BX860
The Church speaks to the modern world : the social teachings of Leo XIII/edited, annotated and with an introduced by Etienne Gilson
New York, [ United States ] : Image Books , 1954 Leo XIII, Pope 13056
7 a BX860
A guide to pacem in terris for students
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Deus Books , 1964 Riga, Peter 13147
8 a BX860
The challenge of Mater et Magistra
New York, [ United States ] : Herder and Herder , 1963 John XXIII, Pope 13149
9 a BX860
The Church and the reconstruction of the modern world : the social encyclicals of Pope Pius XI
New York, [ United States ] : Image Books , 1957 15537
10 a BX1378.5
The encyclicals in everyday language/John Paul II; edited by Joseph G. Donders
New York, [ United States ] : Orbis Books , 2001 John Paul II, Pope 1570753741 42907
11 a BX1753
Modern Catholic social teaching : The popes confront the industrial age 1740 - 1958/Joe Holland
New York, [ United States ] : Paulist Press , 2003 Holland, Joe 0809142252 94013