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TitleNumber of Records : 7

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a Z2011
A guide to English literature
New York, [ United States ] : Doubleday and company, Inc. , 1965 Bateson, F. W 2251
2 4 Ref.Z2011
The concise Cambridge bibliography of English literature 600-1950
Cambridge, [ United Kingdom ] : University Press , 1966 3525
3 4 Ref.Z1001
The Cambridge bibliography of english literautre
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Cambridge University Press , 1969 6901
4 a Z2011
A guide to English & american literature/F.W. Bateson, Harrison T. Meserole
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Longman Group Ltd. , 1965 Bateson, F. W 8420
5 4 Ref.Z6519
Twentieth century British literature : a reference guide & bibliography/with the assistance for the author bibliographies of Martin Tucker
New York, [ United States ] : Frederick Ungar Publishing Company , 1968 12136
6 4 Ref.Z2013
A dictionary of literature in English language from 1940 to 1970 complete with alphabetical title, author index and a geographical-chronological index to authors : Robin
Great Britain, [ United Kingdom ] : Pergamon Press , 1978 13561
7 4 Ref.Z5818
A world of books : an annotated reading list for ESL/EFL students
Washington, D.C., [ United States ] : Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages , 1988 Brown, Dorothy S. 29633