Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 3

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 5 DS109.8
Jerusalem architecture periods and styles : the Jewish quarters and public buildings outside the old city walls 1860 - 1914/David Kroyanker
Jerusalem, [ Israel ] : Domino Press , 1983 Kroyanker, David 17985
2 5 Ref.NA1478
Mamluk Jerusalem : an architectural study/Michael Hamilton Butgoyne ; with additional historical research by D.S. Richards
Jerusalem, [ Palestine ] : British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem , 1987 Burgoyne, Michael Hamilton 33236
3 5 NA1478
Jerusalem : the future of the past/Moshe Safdie
Boston, [ United States ] : Houghton Mifflin , 1989 Safdie, Moshe 33986