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TitleNumber of Records : 8

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BL627.55
Seeking peace : notes and conversations along the way/Johann Christoph Arnold; foreword by Madeleine L'Engle, Thick Nhat Hank
Pennsylvania, [ United States ] : Plough Publishing House , 1998 Arnold, Johann Christoph 38073
2 a BL410
The dignity of difference : how to avoid the clash of civilizations/Jonathan Sacks
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Continuum , 2003 Sacks, Jonathan 42544
3 a BL65
Religions for peace : a call for solidarity to the religions of the world/Francis Arinze
New York, [ United States ] : Doubleday and company, Inc. , 2002 Arinze, Francis 42639
4 5 BX1628
Faithful witness : On reconciliation and peace in the Holy Land/Patriarch Michael Sabbah ; edited and with an introduction by Drew Christiansen and Saliba Sarsar; foreword by Theodore E. McCarrik
New York, [ United States ] : New City Press , 2009 Sabbah, Patriarch Michel 9781565483071 89954
5 5 BL65
Seeking and pursuing peace : The process, the pain and the product/edited by Salim J. Munayer
Jerusalem, [ Israel ] : Musalaha Ministry of Reconciliation , 1998 106052
6 f BL65
Religions for Peace/Francis Cardinal Arinze
New York, [ United States ] : Doubleday , 2002 Arinze, Francis Cardinal 0385504 108373
7 a JX1952
Making peace in the global village/by Robert McAfee Brown
Philadelphia, [ United States ] : The Westminster Press , 1981 Brown, Robert McAfee 0664243436 113607
8 f BX1628
Faithful witness : On reconciliation and peace in the Holy Land/Michael Sabah; edited and with an introduction by Drew Christiansen and Saliba Sarsar
New York, [ United States ] : New City Press , 2009 Sabah, Michael 9781565483071 114600