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authorNumber of Records : 3

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 5 DS119.7
Tried by Fire : the searing true story of two men at the heart of the struggle between the Arabs and the Jews/Bassam Abu-Sharif and Uzi Mahnaimi
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Little Brown , 1995 Abu-Sharif, Bassam 31837
2 5 DS126.6
Arafat and the dream of Palestine : An insider's account/Bassam Abu-Sharif
New York, [ United States ] : Palgrave Macmillan , 2009 Abu-Sharif, Bassam 0230608019 93751
3 f DS119.7
Tried by fire : The searing true story of two men at the heart of the struggle between the Arabs and the Jews/Bassam Abu-Sharif and Uzi Mahnaimi
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Warner Books , 1996 Abu-Sharif, Bassam 0751516368 114123