Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 8

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BX4705
John Henry Newman : A biography/Ian Ker
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 1990 Ker, Ian 31878
2 a BX4705
The achievement of John Henry Newman/Ian Ken
London, [ United Kingdom ] : 4th Estate , 1991 Ker, Ian 0005992761 93581
3 a BX4705
Clear heads and holy hearts : The religious and theological ideal of John Henry Newman/Terrence Marrigan, with a foreword by Ian Ker
Louvain Belgium : Peeters Press , 1991 Merrigan, Terrence 9068313088 93582
4 a BX4705
Newman and the fullness of Christianity/Ian Ker
Edinburgh, [ United Kingdom ] : T & T Clark , 1993 Ker, Ian 0567292258 93587
5 a BX1747
Newman on being a Christian/Ian Ker
London, [ United Kingdom ] : HarperCollins , 1990 Ker, Ian 0005993199 93594
6 a BX4705
John Henry Newman : A biography/Ian Ker
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 1988 Ker, Ian 0192827057 94092
7 a BX5133
Selected sermons/John Henry Newman ; edited with an introduction by Ian Ker ; preface by Henry Chadwick
New York, [ United States ] : Paulist Press , 1994 Newman, John Henry 0809134519 94282
8 a BX4705
Healing the wound of humanity : The spirituality of John Henry Newman/Ian Ker
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Darton, Longman and Todd , 1993 Ker, Ian 0232520348 105985