Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 14

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a PR2807
Preface to Hamlet : a dramabook
New York, [ United States ] : Hill and Wang , 1959 Grnville-Braker, Harley 2194
2 a PR2807
Hamlet Prince of Denmark
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Cambridge University Press , 1936 3543
3 a PR2807
Hamlet and Oedipus
New York, [ United States ] : W. W. Norton and Company , 1976 Jones, Ernest 5445
4 a PR2807
Shakespeare : Hamlet/Block IV
London, [ United States ] : Open University Press , 1984 Day, Roger 26305
5 a PR2807
Shakespeare's hamlet : An attempt to find the key to a great moral problem
New York, [ United States ] : AMS Press , 1973 Strachey, Edward 27399
6 a PR2807
The tragedy of Hamlet
New Hampshire : Boynton/Cook Publishers , 1981 Shakespeare, William 30195
7 a PR2807
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 1947 Shakespeare, William 38747
8 a PR2807
Hamlet : William Shakespeare
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Macmillan Publishing Company , 1992 40008
9 a PR2807
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Longman Group Ltd. , 1968 Shakespeare, William 40251
10 a PR2807
Hamlet : complete, authoritative text with biographical and historical cotexts, critical history, and essays from five contemporary critical perspectives/William Shakespeare ; edited by Susanne L. Wofford
Boston, [ United States ] : Bedford/St. Martin's , 1994 Shakespeare, William 0312055447 80259
11 a PR2807
Approaches to teaching Shakespeare's Hamlet/edited by Bernice W. Kliman
New York, [ United States ] : The Modern Language Association of America , 2002 0873527682 83776
12 a PR2807
Hamlet/William Shakespeare; edited by Praveen Bhatia
New Delhi, [ India ] : UBS Publishers' Distributors Ltd. , 2007 Shakespeare, William 8174761209 87967
13 g DVD:
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
14 a PR2807
Hamlet : Modern English side-by-side with full original text/modernized by Alan Dubband
Cheltenham, [ United Kingdom ] : Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd , 1986 Shakespeare, William 0748703462 89388