Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 22

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BH39
The work of art
Bloomington, [ United States ] : Indiana University Press , 1955 Pepper, Stephen C 6600
2 a BH81
A history of esthetics/revised & enlarged by Katherine Everett Gilbert & Helmt Kuhu.
Bloomington, [ United States ] : Indiana University Press , 1953 9525
3 a BH39
Arts and the man : a short introduction to aesthetics
New York, [ United States ] : W. W. Norton and Company , 1939 Edman, Irwin 12949
4 a B945
Santayana and the sense of beauty
Bloomington, [ United States ] : Indiana University Press , [1955] Arnett, Willard E 14574
5 a N70
Norms and variations in art : essays in honour of Moshe Barasch
Jerusalem, [ Israel ] : The Magness Press, The Hebrew University , 1983 17860
6 a QA8.4
The divine proportion : a study in mathematical beauty
New York, [ United States ] : Dover Publications , 1970 Huntley, H. E 23323
7 a BH91
Ancient art and ritual
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 1951 Harrison, Jane Ellen 30638
8 a BH39
Aesthetics : an introduction
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Hutchinson University Library , 1970 Charlton, W 37756
9 a ND615
Artistic theory in Italy 1450-1600
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 1962 Blunt, Anthony 37759
10 a N66
Aesthetics today : readings
Cleveland, [ United States ] : World Publishing Company , 1961 37767
11 a BH21
The necessity of art : a Marxist approach
Middlesex, [ United Kingdom ] : Penguin Books , 1963 Fischer, Ernst 37797
12 a BH39
Philosophy looks at the arts : contemporary readings in aesthetics
London, [ United States ] : Charles Scribner's Sons , 1962 37825
13 a N66
Aesthetics : an introduction
New York, [ United States ] : Doubleday and company, Inc. , 1971 Saw, Ruth L 37839
14 a BH39
Aesthetics : an introduction
New York, [ United States ] : Bobbs-Merrill Company , 1971 Dickie, George 37842
15 a BH137
Byzantine aesthetics
New York, [ United States ] : Harper and Row Publishers , 1971 Mathew, Gervase 37854
16 a BH201
Aesthetics : problems in the philosophy of criticism
New York, [ United States ] : Harcourt, Brace and World , 1958 Beardsley, Monroe C 37895
17 a BH39
Aesthetics and the sociology of art
London, [ United Kingdom ] : George Allen & Unwin Ltd. , 1983 Wollf, Janet 48155
18 a BH39
The Routledge companion to aesthetics/edited by Berys Gaut and Dominic McIver Lopes
New York, [ United States ] : Routledge , 2005 0415327989 (pbk. : a 86514
19 a BH39
The Routledge companion to aesthetics/edited by Berys Gaut and Dominic McIver Lopes
Oxon, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge , 2013 9780415782876 102825
20 a BH39
Aesthetic theory/Theodor W. Adorno; edited by Gretel Adorno and Rolf Tiedemann; newly translated, edited and with a translator's introduction by Robert Hullot-Kentor
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Bloomsbury Academic , 2012 Adorno, Theodor W. 9781780936598 106300
21 a BT78
The glory of the Lord : A theological aesthetics/By Hans Urs Von Balthasar; translated by Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis, Andrew Louth ; edited by John Riches and Joseph Fessio
San Francisco, [ United States ] : Ignatius Press , 1983 Balthasar, Hans Urs von 0898700310: v.1 109745
22 a BH39
Philosophical aesthetics : An introduction/edited by Oswald Hanfling
Keynes, [ United Kingdom ] : The Open University , 1992 0631180354 110339