Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 8

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a PR4838
John Keat's dream of truth
London : Ghatto and Windus , 1980 Jones, John 24844
2 a PR4837
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Macmillan Publishing Company , 1971 Keats, John 28269
3 a PR590
Coleridge, Keats and Shelley
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Macmillan Publishing Company , 1996 40562
4 a PR4837
Keats and his poetry : a study in development
Chicago, [ United States ] : University of Chicago Press , 1971 Dickstein, Morris 48422
5 a PR4837
John Keats : the poems/John Blades
New York, [ United States ] : Palgrave , 2002 Blades, John 0333948955 80303
6 a PR4837
Keats' well-read urn : an introduction to literary method/Harvey T. Loyn
New York, [ United States ] : Henry Holt and Company , 1958 Lyon, Harvey T. 81644
7 a PR4837
The Cambridge companion to Keats/edited by Susan J. Wolfson
Cambridge, [ United Kingdom ] : Cambridge University Press , 2001 052165839X 86197
8 a PR4837
The Cambridge companion to John Keats/edited by Susan J.Wolfson
Cambridge, [ United Kingdom ] : Cambridge University Press , 2001 9780521651264 98171