Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 7

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BT1102
Why we believe
New York, [ United States ] : Hawthorn Books, Publishers , 1959 Christiani, Leon 5854
2 a BL240.3
The language of God : A scientist presents evidence for belief/Francis S. Collins
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Simon and Schuster Ltd. , 2007 Collins, Francis S. 1847390927 98928
3 a BP172
Answering Islam : The crescent in light of the cross/Norman L. Geisler and Abdul Saleeb
Mighigan, [ United States ] : Baker Books , 1993 Geisler, Norman L. 0801038596 99588
4 f BT1103
Simply Good News
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Society of Promoting Christian Knowledge , 2015 Wright, Nickolas Thomas 978-0-281-07303-0 107958
5 a BT1102
On being a Christian/Hans Kung; translated by Edward Quinn
Glasgow, [ United Kingdom ] : William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. , 1976 Kung, Hans 0006251528 108209
6 a BT1102
Born after midnight/by Aiden Wilson (A.W.) Tozer
Pennsylvania, [ United States ] : Christian Publication, Inc., , 1959 Tozer, A.W. 109600
7 a BT1102
Believing in Christ/The Assembly of the Catholic Ordinaries in the Holy Land
Jerusalem, [ Palestine ] : Latin Patriachate Printing Press , 2001 Assembly of the Catholic Ordinaries in the Holy Land 114107