Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 5

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 4 Ref.PJ7510
Encyclopedia of Arabic literature
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge , 1998 36385
2 a PJ7828
From the ivory tower : a critical study of Tawfiq al-Hakim
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Ithaca Press , 1987 Starkey, Paul 43033
3 a PJ7820
Dear Mr. Kawabata/Rashid Al-Daif ; translated by Paul Starkey; foreword by Margaret Drabble
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Quartet Books Limited , 1999 Al-Daif, Rashid 07042811133 91928
4 a PJ7962
We are all equally far from love/by Adania Shibli; translated from the Arabic by Paul Starkey
Massachusetts, [ United States ] : Clockroot Books , 2012 Shibli, Adania 9781566568630 101519
5 a PJ7862
Praise for the women of the family/by Mahmoud Shukair; translated by Paul Starkey
Northampton, Mass, [ United States ] : Interlink Books , 2019 Shukair, Mahmoud 9781623719845 106275