Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 4

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a PS683
Black expression : essays by and about Black Americans in the creative arts
New York : Weybright and Talley , 1969 2185
2 a PS508
New Black voices : an anthology of contemporary Afro-American literature/edited with an introduction and biological notes by Abraham Chapman
New York, [ United States ] : New American Library , 1972 6315
3 a PN1345
'Get your ass in the water and swim like me' : narrative poetry from black oral tradition
Massachustts, [ United States ] : Harvard University Press , 1974 Jackson, Bruce 12240
4 a PS508
Up from slavery/with an introduction by John Hope Franklin
New York, [ United States ] : Avon Books , 1965 Washington, Booker T. 48448