Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 16

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a PR1867
Chaucer : Lyric and allegory
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Heinemann Educational Books ltd , 1970 3474
2 a PR1852
The portable Chaucer
New York, [ United States ] : Viking Press 6545
3 a PR1851
The works of Geoffrey Chaucer
New York, [ United States ] : Houghton Mifflin , 1961 6546
4 a PR1874
Chaucer and Medieval estates satire : the literature of social classes and the general prologue to the Canterbury tales
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Cambridge University Press , 1973 Mann, Jill 8255
5 a PR1867
Canterbury tales
New York, [ United States ] : Bantam Books Inc. , 1964 Chaucer, Geoffrey, d.1400 9099
6 a PR1909
Chaucer's world : a pictorial companion
Cambridge, [ United Kingdom ] : Cambridge University Press , 1967 9278
7 a PR1874
The Canterbury tales of Chaucer : to which are added and essay upon his language and versification, an introductory discourse and notes
New York, [ United States ] : AMS Press , 1972 Chaucer, Geoffrey, d.1400 9323
8 a PR1868
The pardoner's tale
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Longman York Press , 1980 Windeatt, B.A 11946
9 a PR1895
Troilus and Criseyde
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Penguin Books , 1971 Chaucer, Geoffrey, d.1400 17784
10 a PR1868
The nun's priests tale
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Longman York Press , 1980 Spackman, anna 19938
11 a PR1870
Canterbury tales
New York, [ United States ] : Barron's Educational Series Inc. , 1948 Chaucer, Geoffrey, d.1400 48130
12 a PR1924
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : University Press , 1984 Kane, George 48173
13 a PR1852
The age of Chaucer
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1965 48210
14 a PR1867
Canterbury tales/Geoffrey Chaucer; edited by A. kent Hieatt and Constance Hieatt
New York, [ United States ] : Bantam Books Inc. , 1964 Chaucer, Geoffrey, d.1400 48355
15 a PR1870
The Canterbury tales
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Penguin Books , 1960 Chaucer, Geoffrey, d.1400 49604
16 a PR1868
Brodie's notes on Chaucer's the pardoner's tale/F. W. Robinson
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Pan Books Ltd. , 1979 Robinson, F.W. 0330501321 107973