Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 12

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a PR2825
The merchant of Venice
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Cambridge University Press , 1973 3517
2 a PR2825
The merchant of Venice/by William Shakespeare; edited by Oscar James Campbell, Alfred Rothschild, Stuart Vaughan
New York, [ United States ] : Bantam Books Inc. , 1962 Shakespeare, William 8353
3 a PR2825
The merchant of Venice
New York, [ United States ] : Pocket Books , 1957 11891
4 a PR2825
The merchant of Venice
Boston, [ United States ] : Ginn and Company , 1906 12199
5 a PR2825
The merchant of Venice
New York : Shakespeare Recording Society, Inc , 1963 14225
6 a PR2825
The merchant of Venice
New York, [ United States ] : John Wiley and Sons , 1973 14581
7 a PR2825
The merchant of Venice
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 1938 Shakespeare, William 38835
8 a PR2825
The merchant of Venice : William Shakespeare
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Macmillan Publishing Company , 1998 40005
9 a PR2825
The merchant of Venice
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Blackie and Son Limited , 1923 47116
10 a PR2825
William Shakespeare's The merchant of Venice/edited by S. P. Cerasano
New York, [ United States ] : Routledge , 2004 0415240522 84191
11 a PR2825
The merchant of Venice/William Shakespeare; fully annotated, with an introduction by Burton Raffel; with an essay by Horold Bloom
Connecticut, [ United States ] : Yale University Press , 2005 Shakespeare, William 0300115644 85548
12 a PR2825
The merchant of Venice/William Shakespeare; edited by Praveen Bhatia
New Delhi, [ India ] : UBS Publishers' Distributors Ltd. , 2006 Shakespeare, William 8174760997 87978