Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 4

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a HC59
Production, work, territory : the geographical anatomy of industrial capitalism
Boston : Allen and Unwin , 1986 24221
2 a HB90
Contemporary economic systems : a comparative view
Minneapolis, [ United States ] : West Publishing Company , 1985 Pickersgill, Gary M 24282
3 4 Ref.HC59
World tables 1995/compiled by Socio-Economic Data Division of the World Bank''s International Economics Department
Baltimore, [ United States ] : Johns Hopkins University Press , 1995 31341
4 a HC59
Les mutations de l'economie mondiale 1975-1991
Paris, [ France ] : Le Monde Editions , 1990 Geledan, Alain 47329