Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 5

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a PR5588
Tennyson/Edited and introduced by Rebecca Stott
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Longman Group Ltd. , 1996 37977
2 a PN4121
Speaking your mind : oral presentation and seminar skills
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Longman Group Ltd. , 2001 43560
3 a PE1471
Making your case : a practical guide to essay writing
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Longman Group Ltd. , 2001 43561
4 a PE1408
Writing with style
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Longman Group Ltd. , 2001 43562
5 a PE1112
Grammar and writing
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Longman Group Ltd. , 2001 Stott, Rebecca 43563