Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 20

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a DS62
The Middle East : a history
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge and Kegan Paul , 1969 Fisher, Sydney Nettleton 1468
2 a DS44
Landmarks of the Western heritage : the ancient Near East to 1715
New York, [ United States ] : John Wiley and Sons , 1967 6256
3 a DS62
Studies in the history of the Near East
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Frank Cass and Company , 1973 Holt, P. M 7702
4 a DS62
The middle east in world affairs
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Cornell University Press , 1980 Lenczowski, George 14594
5 a DS62
Middle East History and the West
North Dartmouth, [ United States ] : American University Graduates , 1973 Haddad, H.S 15323
6 a DS62
An introduction to the Near East
Huntington, Indiana : Our Sunday Vistor , 1973 Magnetti, Donald 15388
7 a DS62
The Middle East yesterday and today
Toronto, [ Canada ] : Bantam Pathfinder Edition , 1970 15411
8 a DS62
Caravan : the story of the Middle East
New York, [ United States ] : Holt, Rinehart and Winston , 1958 Coon, Carleton S 17393
9 a DS62
The modern Middle East and North Africa
New York, [ United States ] : Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. , 1984 Aroian, Lois A 19710
10 a DS62
Islamic states in conflict
New York, [ United States ] : Franklin Watts , 1983 Spencer, William 20595
11 5 DS49.7
Riding to Jerusalem : a journey through Turkey and the Middle East/Bettina Selby
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Abacus , 1989 Selby, Bettina 30069
12 a DS62
A concise history of the Middle East
Colorado, [ United States ] : Westview Press, Inc. , 1988 Goldschmidt, Arthur 30471
13 a DS63.1
The Middle East : 2000 years of history from the rise of Christianity to the present day
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Weidenfeld and Nicolson , 1995 Lewis, Bernard 33675
14 a DS62.2
A short history of the Middle East : from the rise of Islam to modern times
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Methuen and Company , 1964 Kirk, Geroge E 35919
15 a DS49.7
Riding to Jerusalem
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Sidgwick and Jackson , 1985 Selby, Bettina 38499
16 a DS62
Middle East
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Phoenix House , 1997 Lewis, Bernard 40173
17 a DS62
A short history of the Near East
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Van Nostrand , 1966 Hitti, Philip K 47709
18 4 Ref.BS635.2
The new atlas of the Bible/John Rogerson
London, [ United Kingdom ] : MacDonald and Company , 1985 Rogerson, John 81807
19 a DS41
Global studies: Middle East/Dr. William Spencer
Dubuque/ Canada, [ Canada ] : McGraw - Hill Dushkin Company , 2004 Spencer, William 0072861592 90821
20 a HQ663.3
Family history in the Middle East household, property, and gender/Beshara Doumani, editor
Albany, [ United States ] : State University of New York Press , 2003 91316