Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 8

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BL53
Personality fulfillment in the spiritual life/Adrian Van Kaam
Pennsylvania, [ United States ] : Dimension Books , 1966 Van Kaam, Adrian 5549
2 a BF51
Religion and personality/Adrian Van Kaam
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1964 Van Kaam, Adrian 5840
3 f BX2350
Personality fulfillment in the religious life, volume one : Religious life in a time of transition
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Dimension Books , 1969 Van Kaam, Adrian 107371
4 f BV683
The Vowed life: dynamics of personal and spiritual unfolding
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Dimension Books , 1968 Van Kaam, Adrian 107372
5 f BX2350
The Dynamics of spiritual self-direction
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Dimension Books , 1976 Van Kaam, Adrian 1-88098-2021 107373
6 f BX2350
The Music of eternity: everyday sounds of fidelity
IN, [ United States ] : The Epiphany Association , 1990 Van Kaam, Adrian 0-87793-463-3 107375
7 f BV287
The Mystery of transforming love
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Dimension Books , 1982 Van Kaam, Adrian 0-87193-176-1 107377
8 f BS2615
Looking for Jesus: Meditations on the las discourse of St. John
NJ, [ United States ] : Dimension Books, Inc. , 1978 Van Kaam, Adrian 087-1930 641 107381