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authorNumber of Records : 13

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BX1378.5
Pastores gregis : exhortation apostolique post-synodale sur l"eveque, serviteur de l"evangile de Jesus Christ pour l"esperance du monde
Cite du Vatican : Libreria Editrice Vaticana , [s.d.] John Paul II, Pope 2701
2 a BX958
Tertio millennio adveniente : lettre apostolique a l"episcopat au clerge et aux fideles sur la preparation du jubile de l"an 2000
Cite du Vatican : Libreria Editrice Vaticana , [1994] John Paul II, Pope 2702
3 a BT50
Fides et ratio : lettre encyclique aux eveques de l"eglise catholique sur les rapports entre la foi et la raison
Cite du Vatican : Libreria Editrice Vaticana , [2003] John Paul II, Pope 2703
4 a BX1401
Ecclesia in America : exhortation apostolique post-synodale
Cite du Vatican : Libreria Editrice Vaticana , [1999] John Paul II, Pope 2704
5 a BJ1249
The splendor of truth : veritatis splender
Boston : St. Paul Books and Media , [s.d.] John Paul II, Pope 14148
6 a BX1751.2
Crossing the threshold of hope/by His Holiness John Paul II; edited by Vittorio Messori
Toronto, [ Canada ] : Alfred A. Knopf , 1994 John Paul II, Pope 0394280954 14149
7 a BX2170
Prayers and devotions from Pope John Paul II/Pope John Paul II; edited and with an introduction by Peter Canisius Johannes Van Lierde; translated by Firman O'Sullivan
New York, [ United States ] : Viking Press , 1984 John Paul II, Pope 0670861790 32207
8 a BJ1249
Veritatis splendor
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Catholic Truth Society , 1993 John Paul II, Pope 41705
9 a BX1378.5
The encyclicals in everyday language/John Paul II; edited by Joseph G. Donders
New York, [ United States ] : Orbis Books , 2001 John Paul II, Pope 1570753741 42907
10 f BX1378
Crossing the Threshold of Hope/Pope John Paul II
New York, [ United States ] : Alfred A. Knopf , 1994 John Paul II, Pope 0-674-44058-5 107345
11 f BV1450
The Consecrated Life : Vita Consecrata: Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Vita Consecrata of the Holy Father John Paul II to the Bishops and (Publication / United States Catholic Conference)/Pope John Paul II
MA, [ United States ] : Pauline Books & Media , 1996 John Paul II, Pope 081981542X 108443
12 a BX1912.5
Sign of contradiction/by John Paul II, Pope; English translation by Mary Smith
London, [ United Kingdom ] : St. Paul Publications , 1979 John Paul II, Pope 0854391584 110345
13 a BX2250
Original unity of man and woman : Catechesis on the Book of Genesis/John Paul II, Pope; preface by Donald W. Wuerl
Boston, [ United States ] : The Daughters of St. Paul , 1981 John Paul II, Pope 0819854060 111845