Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 11

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a P123
De la grammatologie
Paris, [ France ] : Les Editions de Minuit , 1967 Derrida, Jacques 49270
2 a B2430
The gift of death/Jacques Derrida; translated by David Wills
Chicago, [ United States ] : University of Chicago Press , 1995 Derrida, Jacques 0226143066 93790
3 a B2430
Parages/Jacques Derrida ; edited by John P. Leavey ; translated by Tom Conley
California, [ United States ] : Stanford University Press , 1986 Derrida, Jacques 0804735824 96457
4 a B3279
The problem of genesis in Husserl's philosophy/Jacques Derrida, translated by Mariam Hobson
Chicago, [ United States ] : University of Chicago Press , 2003 Derrida, Jacques 0226143155 104024
5 a B3279
Voice and phenomenon : Introduction to the problem of the sign in Husserl's phenmenology/Jacques Derrida; translated from the French by Leonard Lawlor
Illinois, [ United States ] : Northwestern University Press , 2011 Derrida, Jacques 9780810127654 104025
6 a B2430
The post card : From Socrates to Freud and beyond/Jacques Derrida; translated with an introduction and additional notes by Alan Bass
Chicago, [ United States ] : The University of Chicago Press , 1987 Derrida, Jacques 9780226143224 106012
7 a B3279
Heidegger : The question of being and history/Jacques Derrida; edited by Thomas Dutoit; with the assistance of Marguerite Derrida; translated by Geoffery Bennington
Chicago, [ United States ] : University of Chicago Press , 2016 Derrida, Jacques 9780226678924 106266
8 a B2430
The politics of friendship/Jacques Derrida; Translated by George Collins
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Verso Editions , 2005 Derrida, Jacques 9781844670543 106378
9 a B2430
The animal that therefore I am/Jacques Derrida; edited by Marie - Louise Mallet, translated by David Wills
New York, [ United States ] : Fordham University - The Jesuit University of New , 2008 Derrida, Jacques 9780823227914 106650
10 a P105
Of grammatology/Jacques Derrida; translated by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak; introduction by Judith Butler
Baltimore, [ United States ] : Johns Hopkins University Press , 2016 Derrida, Jacques 9781421419954 106651
11 a JC497
Rogues : Two essays on reason/Jacques Derrida; translated by Pascale-Anne Brault and Michael Naas
Stanford, [ United States ] : Stanford University Press , 2005 Derrida, Jacques 9780804749510 106667