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authorNumber of Records : 5

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a B843
Indianapolis, [ United States ] : Bobbs-Merrill Company , [1975] Mill, John Stuart 14540
2 a B1602
Utilitarianism; Liberty; Representative government : selections from Auguste Comte and positivism
London, [ United Kingdom ] : J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd. , 1972 Mill, John Stuart 30418
3 a PN511
Literary essays
Indianapolis, [ United States ] : Bobbs-Merrill Company , 1967 Mill, John Stuart 33509
4 a JC571
On liberty
Indianapolis, [ United States ] : Hackett Publishing Company , 1978 Mill, John Stuart 39648
5 a JC571
On liberty and utilitarianism
London, [ United Kingdom ] : David Campbell Publishers , 1992 Mill, John Stuart 40643