Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 9

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a RM930
Rehabilitation : a manual for the care of the disabled and elderly/Gerald G. Hirschberg, Leon Lewis, Patricia Vaughan
New York, [ United States ] : J. B. Lippincott Company , 1976 Hirschberg, Gerald G. 5384
2 a HV3000
Special people : a brighter future for everyone with physical, mental, and emotional disabilities
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1977 Cohen, Shirley 14959
3 a LC1041
Vocational preparation of persons with handicaps
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company , 1982 Brolin, Donn E. 16266
4 a LC4015
Systematic instruction of the moderately and severely handicapped
Ohio, [ United States ] : Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company , 1983 19584
5 a HV1568
The experience of handicap
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Methuen and Company , 1982 Thomas, David 20911
6 g VHSP:
Disabled for Palestine
7 a HV1568.2
Disability : controversial debates and psychosocial perspectives/Deborah Marks
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge , 1999 Marks, Deborah 0415162033 83771
8 g DVD:
Disabled for Palestine
9 a RC406
A step further/Joni Eareckson, Steve Estes; illustrated by Joni
Michigan, [ United States ] : Zondervan Publishing House , 1978 Eareckson, Joni 0310239702 111102