Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 7

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a LB1029
Preparing instructional objectives
San Francisco, [ United States ] : Fearon Publishers , 1962 Mager, Robert F. 6989
2 a LB1028.5
Learning and programmed instruction
Massachusetts, [ United States ] : Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. , 1965 Taber, Julian I. 9584
3 a LB1043
Diagnosis and revision in the development of instructional materials/George L. Gropper
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Educational Technology Publications , 1975 Gropper, George L. 9735
4 a LB1028.5
Four case studies of programmed instruction
New York, [ United States ] : Fund for the Advancement of Education , 1964 16699
5 a LB1029
Preparing instructional objectives
California, [ United States ] : Pitman Learning, Inc , 1975 Mager, Robert F. 17741
6 a LB1028.5
Creating computer programs for learning : a guide for trainers, parents and teachers
Virginia, [ United States ] : Reston Publishing Company, Inc. , 1983 Orwing, Gary W 19253
7 a LB1028.5
Preparing objectives for programmed instruction
San Francisco, [ United States ] : Fearon Publishers , 1962 Mager, Robert F. 49578