Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 12

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a PR6019
A portrait of the artist as a young man/James Joyce
New York, [ United States ] : Viking Press , 1964 Joyce, James 5672
2 a PR6019
A portrait of the artist as a young man
Middlesex, [ United Kingdom ] : Penguin Books , 1916 Joyce, James 5977
3 a PR6019
The portable James Joyce/James Joyce; with an introduction and notes by Harry Levin
New York, [ United States ] : Viking Press , 1947 Joyce, James 16767
4 a PR6019
A portrait of the artist as a young man/Katherine Lilly Gibbs; edited by Gary Carey
Nebraska, [ United States ] : Cliffs Notes, Inc , 1964 Gibbs, Katherine Lilly 21659
5 a PR6019
James Joyce
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 1982 Ellman, Richard 23702
6 a PR8750
Three great Irishmen : Shaw, Yeats, Joyce/Arland Ussher; with portraits by Augustus John
New York, [ United States ] : Mentor Books , 1957 Ussher, Arland 27508
7 a PR6019
James Joyce : a critical introduction/Harry Levin
Connecticut, [ United States ] : New Directions Books , 1941 Levin, Harry 39622
8 a PR6019
Ulysses/James Joyce; with a foreword by Moris L. Ernst
New York, [ United States ] : Modern Library , 1946 Joyce, James 47966
9 a PR6019
Exiles/James Joyce
New York, [ United States ] : New American Library , 1962 Joyce, James 48392
10 a PR6019
Dubliners/James Joyce
New York, [ United States ] : Modern Library Joyce, James 48445
11 a PR6019
James Joyce/Richard Ellmann
New York, [ United States ] : Oxford University Press , 1959 Ellmann, Richard 59010460 85086
12 a PR6019
James Joyce a portrait of the artist/Stan Gebler Davies
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Abacus , 1975 Davies, Stan Gebler 0359107408 103225