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TitleNumber of Records : 4

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a PN4756
Ethical issues in journalism and the media/edited by Andrew Belsey and Ruth Chadwick
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge , 1992 0415069270 91199
2 g DVD:
Ethics and the Media : The Problem of Bias
New York, [ United States ] : Insight Media , 2007 92485
3 a PN4756
Journalism ethics/Pawan Kumar Saxena
New Delhi, [ India ] : Random Publications , 2012 Saxena, Pawan Kumar 9789381421659 99188
4 a PN4756
Media guide : Practice and ethics of journalism for adults/Karolina Knuuti ... [etal] ; translated from Finnish to English Osku Haapasaari
Finland, [ Finland ] : Kansanvalistusseura , 2016 Knuuti, Karolina 9789519140728 105950