Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 7

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a E902
Failed states : the abuse of power and the assault on democracy/Noam Chomsky
New York, [ United States ] : Metropolitan Books , 2006 Chomsky, Noam 0805079122 91588
2 a DS79.769
Iraq and American empire : can Arab-Americans influence Middle East policy?/Rashid Khalidi
Abu Dhabi, [ United Arab Emirates ] : Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research , 2007 Khalidi, Rashid 9948008839 94567
3 a E901.1
The audacity of hope : thoughts on reclaiming the American dream/Barack Obama
New York, [ United States ] : Vintage Books, Inc. , 2006 Obama, Barack 9780307455871 96170
4 a DS63.1
The politics of chaos in the Middle East/Oliver Roy; translated from the French by Ros Schwartz
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Hurst and Company , 2007 Roy, Oliver 9781850658948 100200
5 a E902
The ordinary person's guide to empire/Arundhati Roy
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Harper Perennial , 2004 Roy, Arundhati 0007181639 105480
6 a E902
Failed states : The abuse of power and the assault on democracy/Noam Chomsky
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Hamish Hamilton , 2006 Chomsky, Noam 0241143233 105837
7 f DS79
The War within: a secret white house history 2006-2008/Bob Woodward
New York, [ United States ] : Simon & Schuster Inc. , 2008 Woodward, Bob 978-4165-5897-2 107995