Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 6

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a DS149
L'esprit sioniste : origines et developpement de la pensee sioniste
Beyrouth, [ Lebanon ] : Institut des Etudes Palestiniennes , 1977 Taylor, Michael Alan 2629
2 5 DS119.7
Palestine : a search for truth; approaches to the Arab - Israeli conflict/edited by Alan R. Taylor and Richard N. Tetlie
Washington, D.C., [ United States ] : Public Affairs Press , 1970 15454
3 a DS149
Prelude to Israel : an analysis of Zionist diplomacy 1897-1947
Beirut, [ Lebanon ] : Institute for Palestine Studies , 1970 Taylor, Michael Alan 32910
4 a DS149
The Zionist mind : the origins and development of Zionist thought
Beirut, [ Lebanon ] : Institute for Palestine Studies , 1974 Taylor, Michael Alan 32914
5 a RC457.2
Behavioral science, epidemiology and public health/Michael Alan Taylor, Bridget Quinn, James K. Min
[s.l.] : Kaplan Medical , 1997 Taylor, Michael Alan 44410
6 5 DS119.7
Palestine : a search for truth approaches to the Arab-Israeli conflict/Edited by Alan R. Taylor and Richard N. Tetlie
Washington, [ United States ] : Public Affairs Press , 1970 Taylor, Michael Alan 91271