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TitleNumber of Records : 3

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a HG178.3
Microfinance for bankers and investors : understanding the opportunities and challenges of the market at the bottom of the pyramid/Elisabeth Rhyne
New York, [ United States ] : McGraw-Hill, Inc. , 2009 Rhyne, Elisabeth 9780071624060 95962
2 a HG178.3
Microfinance : The way of grassroots finance/by Satyananda Gabriel, Michael Hinckley, Hannie Jawaid
Washington, [ United States ] : Wingate Books , 2009 Gabriel, Satyananda 9781935323013 96308
3 8 Dis.HQ1728.5
Microfinance programs effects on women's empowerment economically, socially and politically at the micro, mezzo and macro level : From women's point of view/by Maysoon Ramadan
Bethlehem, [ Palestine ] : Bethlehem University , 2011 Ramadan, Maysoon 97028