Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 4

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BL2747.8
Secularism, religion and multicultural citizenship/edited by Geoffrey Brahm Levey and Tariq Modood ; foreword by Charles Taylor
Cambridge, [ United Kingdom ] : Cambridge University Press , 2009 9780521695411 98208
2 a BL65
Secular steeples : Popular culture and the religious imagination/by Conrad Ostwalt
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Bloomsbury , 2012 Ostwalt, Conrad 9781441172860 103373
3 a BL2747.8
What is secular humanism? : Why humanism became secular and how it is changing our world/James Hitchcock
Michigan, [ United States ] : Servant Publications , 1982 Hitchcock, James 0892831634 104149
4 a BL2747.8
The death of God : The culture of our Post-Christian Era/Gabriel Vahanian
New York, [ United States ] : George Braziller, Inc , 1961 Vahanian, Gabriel 629962 109467