Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 3

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BX4700
Jean-Baptiste de La Salle : Documents bio - bibliographiques (1583 - 1950)
Rome, [ Italy ] : Maison Saint Jean-Baptiste De La Salle 101310
2 a BX3060
The conduct of schools : Pedagogical approach/Leon Lauraine; translated into English by Allen Geppert
Rome, [ Italy ] : Maison Saint Jean-Baptiste De La Salle , 2006 Lauraire, Leon 110161
3 f BX4700
The charism of St. John Baptist De La Salle/edited by Erlinda Bragado and Edward Baldwin
Manila, [ Philippines ] : De la Salle University Press , 1999 971555010x 113192