Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 7

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a PN511
Contexts of criticism
New York : Atheneum Press Ltd , 1957 Levin, Harry 4075
2 5 DS109.9
Jerusalem embattled : a diary of the city under siege, March 25th 1948 to July 18th 1948/Henry Levin
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Victor Gollancz , 1950 Levin, Harry 7882
3 a PR6019
James Joyce : a critical introduction/Harry Levin
Connecticut, [ United States ] : New Directions Paperbooks , 1960 Levin, Harry 8001
4 a PR6019
The portable James Joyce/James Joyce; with an introduction and notes by Harry Levin
New York, [ United States ] : Viking Press , 1947 Joyce, James 16767
5 a PR6019
The essential James Joyce/James Joyce; with an introduction and notes by Harry Levin
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Triad Grafton Books , 1977 Joyce, James 23765
6 a PR6019
James Joyce : a critical introduction/Harry Levin
Connecticut, [ United States ] : New Directions Books , 1941 Levin, Harry 39622
7 a PN511
A gallery of mirrors : observations on novelists and poets/Harry Levin
New Brunswick, [ United States ] : Transaction Publishers , 2011 Levin, Harry 9781412842396 96482