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TitleNumber of Records : 14

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 4 Ref.DS41
The Middle East and North Africa 1972 - 73 - 19th ed
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Europa Publications , 1972 2099
2 4 Ref.DS41
The Middle east and North africa 1981 - 82
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Europa Publications , 1981 19547
3 4 Ref.DS41
The Middle East and North Africa 1974- 75
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Europa Publications , 1974 19549
4 4 Ref.DS41
The Middle East and North Africa 1971 - 72
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Europa Publications , 1971 19550
5 4 Ref.DS41
The Middle East and North Africa 1979 - 80
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Europa Publications , 1979 19551
6 4 Ref.DS41
The Middle East and North Africa 1975 - 76
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Europa Publications , 1975 19552
7 4 Ref.DS41
The Middle east and North Africa 1977 - 78
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Europa Publications , 1977 19553
8 4 Ref.DS41
The Middle East and North Africa 1978 - 79
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Europa Publications , 1978 19554
9 4 Ref.DS41
The Middle East and North africa 1980 - 81
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Europa Publications , 1980 19555
10 4 Ref.DS41
The Middle East and North Africa 1976 - 77
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Europa Publications , 1976 19598
11 4 Ref.DS41
The Middle East and North Africa 1983 - 84
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Europa Publications , 1983 20099
12 4 Ref.DS41
The Middle east and North Africa 1987
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Europa Publications , 1986 23320
13 4 Ref.DS41
The Middle east and North africa 1988
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Europa Publications , 1987 23321
14 4 Ref.DS41
The Middle East and North Africa 1992
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Europa Publications , 1991 27613