Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 17

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a PR6045
To the lighthouse
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Penguin Books , 1927 Woolf, Virginia 14756
2 a PR6045
Mrs. Dalloway/Virginia Woolf
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Triad Grafton Books , 1976 Woolf, Virginia 28471
3 a PR6045
To the lighthouse/Virginia Woolf; edited with an introduction by Margaret Drabble
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 1992 Woolf, Virginia 33224
4 a PR6045
Mrs. Dalloway/Virginia Woolf; edited with an introduction by Claire Tomalin
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 1992 Woolf, Virginia 33225
5 a PR6045
To the lighthouse/Virginia Woolf; edited by Sandra Kemp
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge , 1994 Woolf, Virginia 34592
6 a PR6045
Mrs. Dalloway/Virginia Woolf; with an introduction by Nadia Fusini
London, [ United Kingdom ] : David Campbell Publishers , 1993 Woolf, Virginia 37671
7 a PR6045
To the lighthouse/Virginia Woolf; with an introduction by Julia Briggs
London, [ United Kingdom ] : David Campbell Publishers , 1991 Woolf, Virginia 37712
8 a PR6045
Between the acts
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Panther Books , 1978 Woolf, Virginia 38975
9 a PR6045
Orlando : a biography/Virginian Woolf; edited by J. H. Stape
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Blackwell Publishing Ltd. , 1998 Woolf, Virginia 40076
10 a PR6045
Mrs. Dalloway and to the lighthouse/Virginia Woolf; edited by Su Reid
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Macmillan Publishing Company , 1993 Woolf, Virginia 40563
11 a PR6045
A haunted house and other short stories/Virginia Woolf
New York, [ United States ] : Harcourt Brace , 1972 Woolf, Virginia 79624
12 a PR6045
Jacob's room/Virginia Woolf
Middlesex, [ United Kingdom ] : Penguin Books , 1965 Woolf, Virginia 83685
13 a PR6045
A room of one's own/Virginia Woolf; foreword by Mary Gordon
New York, [ United States ] : Harcourt Brace , 1989 Woolf, Virginia 0156787334 84093
14 a PR6045
Mrs. Dalloway/Virginia Woolf
San Diego, [ United States ] : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich , 1985 Woolf, Virginia 0156628708 85048
15 a PR6045
Mrs. Dalloway/Virginia Woolf
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Wordsworth Editions Limited , 1996 Woolf, Virginia 1853261912 92139
16 a PR6045
On not knowing Greek/Virginia Woolf; introduced by Elena Gualtieri
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Hesperus Press Limited , 2008 Woolf, Virginia 9781843916055 95032
17 a PR6045
A room of one's own/Virginia Woolf
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Penguin Books Ltd. , 2014 Woolf, Virginia 9780141395920 110479