Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 8

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a E847
Lyndon, an oral biography
New York, [ United States ] : G. P. Putman's Sons , 1980 Miller, Merle 20402
2 a E457
Abraham Lincoln : the man and his faith
Wheaton, IL : Tyndale House Publishers, Inc , 1976 Owen, G. Frederick 22546
3 a E457
Herndon's life of Lincoln : the history and personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln as originally written/with a newly revised introduction and notes by Paul M. Angle
Greenwich, CT, [ United States ] : Fawcett Publications , 1965 Herndon, William H 23522
4 4 Ref.JK511
World Book of America's presidents : portraits of the presidents
Chicago, [ United States ] : World Book Inc , 1988 30370
5 a E322
John Adams/David McCullough
New York, [ United States ] : Simon and Schuster , 2001 McCullough, David 0684813637 42476
6 g VHSG:
The World Uncoverd - Ronald Reagan, Portrait of a President : A tribute to R. Reagan, former president of USA
7 a E873
Beyond the White House : waging peace, fighting disease, building hope/Jimmy Carter
New York, [ United States ] : Simon & Schuster Inc. , 2007 Carter, Jimmy 1416558802 91922
8 a E886
The Clinton tapes : A president's secret diary/Taylor Brunch
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Pocket Books , 2009 Branch, Taylor 9781847391827 93566