Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 7

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BP63
Islam and politics
Syracuse : University Press , 1984 Esposito, John L. 20593
2 a DS62.8
The government and politics of the Middle East and North Africa/edited by david E. Long and Bernard Reich
Colorado, [ United States ] : Westview Press, Inc. , 1986 22647
3 a BP64
The Islamic movement in North Africa
Austin, [ United States ] : University of Texas Press , 1993 Burgat, Francois 30623
4 a BP63
The failure of political Islam/Oliver Roy; translated by Carol Volk
Massachustts, [ United States ] : Harvard University Press , 1994 Roy, Olivier 38478
5 a BP63
Political Islam : essays from Middle East Report/edited by Joel Beinin and Joe Stork
California, [ United States ] : University of California Press , 1997 0520204484 84679
6 a BP63
Islam and politics/John L. Esposito
Syracuse, [ United States ] : Syracuse University Press , 1987 Esposito, John L. 0815624190 93736
7 a DS62.8
The government and politics of the Middle East and north Africa/edited by David E. Long and Bernard Reieh
Colorado, [ United States ] : Westview Press, Inc. , 1980 Long, David E. 089158871x 113638