Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 8

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a D767.2
Goodbye Japan
New York : L. B. Fisher , 1942 Newman, Joseph 4401
2 a D764
Great patriotic war of the Soviet Union 1941-1945 : a general outline
Moscow, [ Russia ] : Progress Publishers , 1970 Anisimov, N.I 5373
3 a D764
Moscow, Stalingrad 1941-1942 : recollections, story reports
Moscow, [ Russia ] : Progress Publishers , 1974 5798
4 a D759
Britain and the second world war
Glasgow : Collins Sons and Company , 1970 Pelling, Henry 10815
5 a D810
Black American in World War II
California : Clio Bks , 1977 Buchanan, Russell A 11191
6 a DS885.5
New York, [ United States ] : Alfred A. Knopf , 1946 Hersey, John 14466
7 a D743
A world at arms : a global history of World War II/Gerhard L. Weinberg
Cambridge, [ United Kingdom ] : Cambridge University Press , 1994 Weinberg, Gerhard L. 36405
8 a D743.7
A multicultural portrait of World War II
New York : Marshall Cavendish , 1994 Wright, David K 37136